Lab Technology
Detailed analysis and characterisation of the waste feedstock
We firstly analyse the composition of the feedstock and potential products to be valorised to in order to provide some preliminary insights into what we call the waste potential. This is a percentage (0-100%) of the possibilities to valorise waste into high added value products which reflects on several factors (e.g. type of waste, market/s of product/s obtained, technologies used for valorisation, cost of raw material, availabily, logistics, etc.). If your percentaje is over 50%, then we may be able to find ways to make profit with your waste!!!
Advanced studies of waste valorisation
After conducting the first feasibility studies, we can then provide customised solutions to partners with advice on the best way to proceed. We are happy to be involved in the development of the technology and licensing all the way to pilot plant scale/industrial scale (better together). Please tell us your needs and we will be happy to work together!!
Synthesis of Materials
G.A.S. is well experienced in the synthesis and development of tailored-made materials for customer needs using a range of equipment and technologies. We can also provide the know-how to industry on the development of more efficient materials for their systems based on characterisation and eventually understanding of the systems.
Materials characterization (Materials science and characterization techniques).
G.A.S. has experience in several methodologies and methods for materials characterisation as well as a remarkable knowledge in characterisation techniques due to the scientific chemical and materials science background of its staff members. We are thus able to provide solutions for any type of materials characterisation in industry.
A summary of the more relevant techniques-methodologies-expertises massively employed in the characterization of materials that GAS can have access to include:
X-ray diffraction (XRD)
Nitrogen physisorption experiments
Thermogravimetric analysis and differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA)
Temperature Programmed Mass Spectrometry and Temperature programmed desorption and reduction (TPD, TPR)
Liquid NMR (1H, 14C, y 23P) and solid state Magic Angle Spinning (MAS-NMR) 29Si, 27Al y 19F
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform (DRIFT)
Gas chromatography (GC)